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Caring for Your Smile While Wearing Invisalign®

July 24th, 2024

Getting your braces off is exciting. You’ve been working on your new smile for months or years, and it’s time for the trips to our Far Rockaway office to pay off. Can you imagine how bad it would be to discover that your teeth are straight, but that there’s decay?

Caring for your smile while wearing Invisalign goes beyond just waiting for your teeth to get straighter. It involves cleaning your teeth regularly and thoroughly to prevent tooth decay. That way, your smile will be more beautiful than ever when you’re done with your Invisalign treatment.

Take Your Trays Out

The first difference you may notice between Invisalign and traditional metal braces is that Invisalign aligners are invisible, but there’s another important distinction as well. Invisalign braces are removable. You can take the trays out, and you should. Remove the trays while you’re eating so you don’t get food stuck in them. Also, remove them while you’re cleaning your teeth so that you can have full access to all the nooks and crannies in your mouth.

Brush Normally

The guidelines for brushing your teeth with Invisalign don’t change compared to braces. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste, being sure to get all surfaces of your teeth. If possible, brush after each meal.

If you can’t, be sure to drink some water and swish it around in your mouth when you’re done eating to get rid of the extra food on your teeth. Leaving carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch, on your teeth opens the door to tooth decay.

Floss and Wash

Flossing your teeth gets out the bits and pieces stuck between them. It’s a time-consuming task when you need to navigate the wires of traditional metal braces, but thanks to Invisalign’s removable design, flossing is no problem. Rinsing your mouth with a fluoride antibacterial mouthwash also helps clean your teeth because it gets into all of the spaces. Floss and rinse one or two times daily.

Cleaning Your Trays

Cleaning your Invisalign trays keeps them from getting riddled with bacteria, and it helps keep your teeth free from excess food. You can use the Invisalign cleaning system, which involves placing the trays in a tub with cleaning crystals. The plastic trays are clean after 15 minutes. You can also ask Dr. Rubin for other ways to clean your trays.

How does AcceleDent® make orthodontic treatment more efficient?

July 17th, 2024

Patients who need to get orthodontic treatment are often concerned about how long they will wear their braces. Dr. Rubin will tell you the good news is, is there is a solution for any patient who wants to minimize the time he or she needs to wear braces. AcceleDent is a device that uses micropulse technology to reduce how long your orthodontic treatment takes. Small vibrations go through your teeth, enabling them to move into their correct positions faster. The device needs to be worn only for a few minutes a day, and is a non-invasive and non-surgical way to make orthodontics more efficient.

How AcceleDent Works

The AcceleDent appliance is a custom mouthpiece that fits comfortably around your braces. It works with traditional braces, clear braces, and even Invisalign®. The mouthpiece is inserted once a day, an activator is turned on, and the mouthpiece is worn for just 20 minutes. You only need to bite the mouthpiece hard enough to hold it in place. You can participate in any activities you like while wearing it. The mouthpiece comes with an online usage history as well, so you can see how many times you have used it to make sure you are wearing it as intended.

Benefits of AcceleDent

Besides being hands-free, lightweight, and comfortable, you can benefit in a number of significant ways by using AcceleDent orthodontic treatment:

  • It speeds up orthodontic treatment by up to 52 percent.
  • AcceleDent® is only worn for 20 minutes a day.
  • It is approved by the FDA.
  • It is non-invasive and non-surgical.
  • It helps with dental hygiene by minimizing the amount of time needed for orthodontic treatment.

Most of our patients at Rubin Orthodontics welcome the opportunity to reduce their orthodontic treatment time, and that’s just what AcceleDent offers. Contact our Far Rockaway office or ask our team at your next appointment to see if AcceleDent is right for your smile!

The Advantage of Invisalign Teen®

July 10th, 2024

Many teens want to improve their smile without the pain and embarrassment of having to wear metal braces. Just like metal braces, Invisalign works by gently moving teeth into position. Metal braces are worn continuously, however, and need to be adjusted by Dr. Rubin regularly in order to move the teeth into proper position.

Invisalign uses a series of clear trays to move teeth into position. When you are done with one tray, simply pop in the next! Invisalign Teen straightens teeth just as well as traditional metal braces, but has several advantages.


You’ve probably figured out the most obvious advantage already: the aligners are nearly invisible. Invisalign works by using a series of clear aligners that should be worn 20 to 22 hours a day. Invisalign trays are almost undetectable when you wear them, so you can smile with confidence — even while you are straightening your teeth.


One of the best things about Invisalign Teen is that the trays are removable. This means you can remove your tray to eat, brush, and floss your teeth, or even to play sports. While Dr. Rubin and our team at Rubin Orthodontics require you to wear the trays for most of the day, having the ability to remove your straightening trays means you have practically none of the dietary restrictions that metal brace wearers have to observe.

Teens that play contact sports often experience difficulties with metal braces. Invisalign Teen allows the flexibility to wear a mouthguard, and no metal wires or brackets means less risk of cuts or other injuries while playing a game. Musicians also benefit from being able to remove their trays during rehearsals and performances. You can even remove your tray for your school photo or to snap a quick selfie!

Finally, because you can remove your aligners, you can easily keep your teeth clean through normal brushing and flossing. You can also clean your trays by brushing and rinsing them in warm water. Brushing and flossing with metal braces can be frustrating and time-consuming. Invisalign Teen treatment at Rubin Orthodontics helps you keep your smile white and shiny with very little change to your normal routine.

To learn more about Invisalign Teen, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rubin, please give us a call at our convenient Far Rockaway office!

Happy Fourth of July!

July 3rd, 2024

Happy Independence Day from Dr. Rubin and team! The Fourth of July celebrations in America may have changed a lot over the years, but there is no doubt that we Americans love to celebrate the anniversary of our country's independence! Today we're devoting the Rubin Orthodontics blog to some fun facts about the Fourth!

  • My, how we have grown! This year the United States Census Bureau estimates that our country has 313.9 million residents celebrating the Fourth of July this year, but back in 1776 there were just 2.5 million members of the country.
  • Our country loves to show how proud that we are of our independence. Did you know that there are 31 United States places with the word “Liberty” in their names? The state of Iowa actually has four towns with the word Liberty in the name: Libertyville, New Liberty, North Liberty, and West Liberty.
  • The United States loves Fourth of July food! It is expected that around 150 million hot dogs are eaten on the Fourth each year. One of the Fourth's most popular sides, potato salad, goes just perfectly with the hotdogs and hamburgers that are standard Fourth of July fare. Some people choose potato chips instead, but we wouldn't have such a plethora of potatoes if not for the prodigious production of the states of Idaho and Washington -- they provide about half of all the potatoes in the United States today!
  • Americans love celebrating the Fourth outdoors: About 74 million Americans fire up their BBQ grill every Fourth of July.
  • The Chinese contribution: Did you know that Americans have spent more than $211 million on fireworks that were imported from China?

No matter how your family chooses to celebrate the Fourth, stay safe, take precautions, and don't forget to brush after your fabulous Fourth feast!